Saturday, May 16, 2009

Critical View of the World

The more I learn about critical literacy in terms of how I can integrate it into my grade one classroom the more I am realizing that I have taken so many things for granted. I think over the years I have almost become desensitized toward all the advertising and subliminal messages that bombard me everyday. Since I have been incorporating critical media literacy into my classroom, I am becoming much more aware of the commercials, posters, news broadcasts, etc. and how they are trying to make me believe certain things and think a certain way.

I realize that I need to be more critical myself in terms of what the media is trying to do to me before I can teach my students. How can I teach what I do not know or understand myself? Through professional learning and personal reflection I have gained a better understanding of what critical media literacy really means. It is important to understand the pedagogy behind such an approach to learning.

I now feel that my literacy program is complete with the incorporation of media literacy. It includes each of the Four Resources that are described by Luke and Freebody. The media literacy component would fall under the Text Analysis resource. Click on the link to find out more about their model. This model has changed my approach to teaching literacy in my classroom. I now find that I refer to the model frequently to ensure that I am offering a rich, inclusive literacy program to my grade one children.


  1. Hi Valerie,
    Your blog is a great resource! For me, in my current context, it's one of the best I've seen! I hope you don't mind if I refer my current preservice education class to it; we are doing a course called Teaching Writing in Internmediate and Secondary Classrooms but, as you know, writing in most 21st century curricula has been expanded to include representing. You have linked together on your blog several themes and resources that I want to consider in my classes: four resources model, critical literacy, 21st century schools, assessment of new litercies, Freirean prespectives, etc. I am also going to talk about Moll's funds of knowledge concept using acouple of articles and websites:
    Because I admire the work of Barbara Comber and other researchers at UniSA in Adelaide AU, I try to include her/their work in my own writing and teaching. I see you have linked to her homepage. These are some excellent resources:
    I am particularly captivated by her turnaround pedagoies - often these link to media texts and interests.

  2. Hi Valerie,
    You have done a fantastic job compiling some very useful links and resources – Thanks! I think it is important for us to share and talk about the work we are doing in critical and media literacies and blogging is a powerful way to do this. I plan to use some of this in PD sessions and in a course I am teaching this summer. Like Bobbi, I find Barbara Comber’s work insightful and continue to examine literacy practices and how they position students in various ways. I also find Helen Nixon’s work useful…check this out

  3. Hi Valerie, great work on your blog site. I am a little bit frustrated trying to get mine up and running. It is definitely a work in progress. You have some great material here. Nikki
